What up? Well, Shows, Jamkazam, and LP4 Laboratory Work. That’s What!

Hey, I know we’re behind on posting but we don’t have large attention spans and we get distracted easily  by the smallest things: Larry’s latest brew, killing the next level boss in Dark Souls, ESA’s Rosetta mission, NASA’s Orion Launch, buying some idiotic musical equipment we can’t really afford, new episodes of Adventure Time, wondering which new D&D manual to buy first or why Tony Stark such an utter dick in the latest issues of Iron Man, and LOOK shiny objects… shiny, shiny objects..  Look, there’s one now!  Oh right! See what I mean?  Our company physician has been telling us it’s all that herb, beer, and 100 Watt Marshall stacks and she’s convinced we’re hopeless and doomed from all the damage done to our neurons.

Anyhow, despite the lack of posts over the last few weeks we are actually up and doing junk.  Tonight we head up north to play with our friends The Ex-Optimists and Funeral Horse in Bryan, Texas and then, tomorrow night, we play our last show of the year at Rudz with the same cats.  Should be fun. Come on out.

We also did a gig for this cool company called Jam Kazam on Wednesday night.  The idea is like a Go To Meeting for musicians where they can just plug-in and play with people from around the world.  Kind of cool and they had us spread over three homes in the Houston suburbs so we could play remotely.  Connection problems not withstanding, it worked really well – we were able to hear each other pretty well and react to what we were doing pretty well too.  So it was fun to be Guinea pigs for these guys and we’d likely have even done this for free but they actually paid us which was kind of cherry on the icing of the experience.  They may post video of us performing on their Kickstarter so that may be pretty hilarious.  The service is still in its infancy and from talking with them it’s clear they are looking to add features to make it even more cool but you guys should check it out at some point if you are interested in this kind of thing.  Kind of neat.  http://www.jamkazam.com/

Anyhow, after we finish up with our upcoming shows, we’ll be going down into the deep bowels of the LP4 bunker laboratories to prepare for our next album.  We’ll be quiet for a while but that’s only because when you conduct the kind of heavy-duty musical experiments we conduct, it requires complete mental focus… that or herb, beer, and 100 Watt Marshall stacks.

Cheers folks, see y’all soon.

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