AVATL Module Update 26 November 2012

Our hats off to Dungeon Master Clinton Heider who dutifully busted his ass over the holidays to largely finish the text for the AVATL module.   We got the good news in an e-mail.  Here is an excerpt:

So a quick estimate of page count on this ho, using 10 point Arial and with large margins – is TWENTY NINE MOTHER FUCKING PAGES.

Jeebus. I was doing this all in a text editor, so I didn’t know how much length was involved. I think that’s plenty of content, it’s ridiculous enough as it is. It can be edited down, but I’d prefer not to do too much. My guess is that with illustrations and typesetting, and using a smaller font (10 point is pretty large actually), we are looking at 20+ pages easily.

I’ve actually browsed the module’s text and it is pretty impressive and funny.  While the band made a lot of suggestions at rehearsals to characters and plot, there should be no mistaking that the module you will be playing over the holidays will have been largely through the insanity… err… I mean, hard work, of Clinton Heider. 

Kudos, homie!  Name your Tuesday night rehearsal beer.  I’m buying!



*Photo – Rocco Pier Luigi 07/13/2005 (GNU Free Documentation License)