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Easily the longest LP4 Project from inception to release. The album took so long that a double low-fi concept album (Ashes in the Bong of God) was released in the interim. C6H8O6 is probably the bandÕs best work, combining all the elements of previous albums with the kind of careful studio production that seems to have eluded previous albums. On-Line Reviews Aural Innovations: " Wow... there are few similarities between the latest Linus Pauling Quartet album and their previous effort, the 2000 release, Ashes In The Bong Of God. Whereas that album was a free-wheeling, tripped out, playful quest for the bong, the new C6H8O6 to a large extent dispenses with the freeform improvisational feel for structure, songs, and some of the most crushing ROCK of the year... In summary, this is a monstrous set of spaced out metal and ultra heavy psychedelia that will appeal to anyone who likes.... well... spaced out metal and ultra heavy psychedelia. It covers lots of territory, combining varied elements but into a completely coherent whole. Highest recommendation." - Jerry Kranitz [Full review at http://aural-innovations.com/2004/march/linusp02.html]
Austin Chronicle - "Not surprisingly for a product of the same hometown as the Red Krayola and Rusted Shut, Houston's Linus Pauling Quartet is equal parts demented and lovable. A sevenpiece with several guests, the Quartet specializes in waves of psychedelic slog thicker than humidity coming off Buffalo Bayou in August. At the same time, C6H8O6 doesn't abandon humor or melody in its overwhelming sonic onslaught...Like Slater says in Dazed and Confused, "You couldn't handle that shit on strong acid, man." On second thought, maybe that's the only way you could." - Christopher Gray [Full review at http://www.austinchronicle.com/issues/dispatch/2004-03-12/music_phases7.html]
Family of Sounds - (4 ot of 5 stars) "Gillar man alltsŒ gitarrbaserand stoner-space-drone-flum-rock (& det gšr jag, :-) ), sŒ kommer detta alster garanterat leda till timmar av onnani, ...mental sŒdan... ;-))"-Jocke Forsman [Full Review At http://www.familyofsounds.net/recensionsarkivet/j-k-l/linus_pauling_quartet_-_c6h806.htm]
Houston Press - "You enter the LP4's world at your peril -- you get sucked into a vortex of muddled and at times brilliant chaos." - John Nova Lomax [Full Article at http://www.houston-press.com/issues/2003-12-18/music/music_print.html] Space City Rock -"If you don't have enough rock in your life, or if you have much too much, I highly recommend obtaining this post-haste" - Conor Prischmann [Full review at http://www.spacecityrock.com/issue8/reviews/rev-L.html] |
Song Commentary
Switzer - This song is a graft between two riffs - the first by Charlie and the latter by Clinton. The lyrics are about our good friend Mike Switzer who has played with Charlie in The Defenestration Unit and the Last Bastions, among other bands, and his smoke-filled adventures with Charlie. Originally titled "Bongfire", to this day the band still uses this title in its set-lists.
Cole Porter - This song was originally released as a 6-track version in The 26th Commandment - Thou Shalt Expand Thy Mind -a free CD given out with Ptolemaic Terrascope #26. This version is a full proper studio version. The lyrics are about a number of topics, each more mysterious and meaningful than the last, like a mystery wrapped up in an enigma wrapped up in chocolate. Technically the title is Cole Porter II but we inadvertently left off the II. Cole Porter I appears as a bonus track on Killing you with Rock.
Brain - This is a Clinton Heider penned song. No e-bows were hurt in the production of this song. Mix 3 parts bourbon, 1 part "Myth of Sisyphus" by Camus, 2 parts HP Lovecraft (your choice of extradimensional madness or subterranean horror, or both), shake well and pour in a Rickenbacker 360.
Thorn - A frustrated love song written by Mike Switzer (see "Switzer"). This was originally written for a band called Horshack in which both Charlie and Mike played, about a girl whom both Charlie and Mike dated. She was a frustrating one.
La Tapatia -This was a song primarily penned by Clinton and Charlie who had to get their rock out. Ramon originally hated it but eventually ended up singing after a demonic possession that occurred after an Alistair Crowley modeled ceremony.
Airplane - Written by Clinton Heider, this is the most elusive LP4 song ever written. This song has a feel which is difficult to capture, and the band constantly slipped from periods of playing it like they wanted and points where it just fell flat. This version is simply the best we were able to put together. Not a complete failure yet not a full success either. The lyrics are from a dream of Clinton's where planes were simply falling out of the sky, in a very matter-of-fact manner. Note this song previously appeared as a live bonus track on the US release of Ashes in the Bong of God and was meant to be released with Killing you with Rock but was held back because the version recorded was not up to snuff.
Drunkest Man - This is a Charlie Horshack song. The opening jig is a little ditty that Clinton and Ramon came up with back in the Francisco Studio days. The song is at least partially inspired by several local characters and their drunken antics and alcohol-related tomfoolery.
Cannonball - This one came together bit by bit, but coalesced nicely into what is rapidly becoming a Linus mainstay: the obligatory Linus garage rock song. Always the shortest and fastest song on whatever Linus album it resides on, the obligatory Linus garage rock song is the ultimate in shaving satisfaction.
Hall of Mirrors - A Kraftwerk song that appeared in a significantly different version, as a live bonus track on the European double LP version of Ashes in the Bong of God, and used to lead conveniently into "Bring Me the Head of Donkey Kong", a rarely heard Linus paean to totalitarianism at the arcade.
Album Notes